MERCY MINISTRY NEWS is brought to you by someone with over 25 years experience in urban ministry. MERCY MINISTRY NEWS seeks to brings hope and encouragement to men and women who work in diaconal and mercy ministry. This includes outreach to homeless and addicted men and women, people with AIDS, children-at-risk, single parents, separated and divorced, those incarcerated and their children, seniors, and others who "fall between the cracks."

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Quotes from favorite authors

"To worship God is to serve him in imitation of our Savior Jesus who did not come to be served, but to serve (Matt.20:28). I believe that the temporal care of the poor is no less sacred than ecclesiastical activity. While the gathering for worship always takes precedence, the love of our neighbor must be an inevitable corollary. The duties of worship (pietas) and love (caritas) are inseparable." --John Calvin

"Mercy is not an option or even an addition to being a Christian. Instead, a life poured out in deeds of mercy is the inevitable sign of a life which has experienced the grace of God" (Tim Keller in Training for Deacons).


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