CCDA Coming to Philly
The 2006 Christian Community Development Assn Conference will be held September 27-October 1 at the Center City Marriott Hotel. For detailed information click here. Mark the date on your calendars now.
MERCY MINISTRY NEWS is brought to you by someone with over 25 years experience in urban ministry. MERCY MINISTRY NEWS seeks to brings hope and encouragement to men and women who work in diaconal and mercy ministry. This includes outreach to homeless and addicted men and women, people with AIDS, children-at-risk, single parents, separated and divorced, those incarcerated and their children, seniors, and others who "fall between the cracks."
The 2006 Christian Community Development Assn Conference will be held September 27-October 1 at the Center City Marriott Hotel. For detailed information click here. Mark the date on your calendars now.